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Connector Protection: A Patent-pending Process

EmbedTek works with many systems suffering from inconsistent electrical connections — a persistent industry challenge. A bad connection resulting from contamination, oxidation or mechanical damage of plated contacts can lead to failure of the more critical OEM device, frustrating end users and damaging the reputation of the OEM. We set out to solve this issue, and are sharing our successful, patent-pending results with the larger embedded community.

Proactive Research
Inconsistent connections can be caused by contamination, oxidation, or mechanical damage to the plated surfaces of contacts of embedded computer components such as video cards and memory modules.

  • Contamination of the contacts by the component manufacturer and/or systems integrator
  • Oxidation/corrosion of contacts caused by humidity, salt air, or other environmental conditions during storage and/or use
  • Shock and vibration during transport to the site, or during operation

These field failures impact EmbedTek and its customers, whether through direct service costs or through lost revenue due to poor end customer experiences.

Setting the Standard
Our 4-step process protects connectors from the three main sources of damage. The process has been validated after hundreds of hours in controlled testing.

  1. Physical card retention to minimize movement during transit or operation
  2. Thorough cleaning to remove oxidation or contaminants at the time of assembly
  3. Enforcement of safe handling practices during assembly
  4. Careful application of a synthetic material to provide mechanical and oxidation protection after delivery

We now apply this overall process on systems and racks of systems with great success, and at no additional cost to our customers.

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