EmbedTek Makes 2014 Future 50 List

June 25, 2014

Hartland, WI. – The Milwaukee Association of Commerce’s Council of Small Business Executives (COSBE) has named Hartland manufacturer Embedtek one of its “Future 50” Companies. EmbedTek was also named a Future 50 company in 2013 and gained further recognition as the #2 company in the Future 50’s Fastest Five.

The Future 50 is a list of Milwaukee-area companies that have demonstrated significant revenue and employment growth. Recognition comes from a team of leaders representing small and large company, as well as the business press. EmbedTek first made the list in 2013, and was recently named on the 2014 roster.

Embedtek designs and manufactures single-purpose computers and digital displays for original equipment manufacturers. That means EmbedTek systems are found in products made by other companies including medical devices, military training simulators and webcasting equipment.

Dan Aicher, CEO of Embedtek, told COSBE, “We are proud of EmbedTek’s growth; both in terms of jobs and revenue. We take great satisfaction in the fact that much of our growth is coming from new customers that previously sourced their products from China. We’re bringing that revenue and the jobs needed to design, produce and distribute the product to the US and WI. This award is further recognition of the unique capabilities of the team at EmbedTek.”

The Future 50 companies will be honored at an awards luncheon on Thursday, September 11.

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