Preventing a COVID Super Spread In the Workplace.

Lessons Learned for Wisconsin Businesses as COVID Cases Surge and CDC Guidelines Change.
PariRange™ Contact Tracing Devices on Track for Q3 Delivery

PariRange™ contact tracing is a peer-to-peer COVID-related system ideal for workforces where social distancing is difficult.
EmbedTek Develops PariRange™ Contact Tracing System

Introducing PariRange, a contact tracing system that can be used to support workforce health and safety without privacy concerns.
Navigating the Supply Chain Impact of Coronavirus

The situation is difficult if not impossible to predict short/mid-term and we expect it to be an issue through Q3 2020.
Intel CPU Shortage Continues

Intel confirmed formally that which we have been aware of for several weeks. The shortage of Intel CPU’s, specifically lower end Celeron, Pentium and I3 series processors will persist through the first half of 2020.
EmbedTek Invention Improves Video Surveillance Capabilities

EmbedTek filed a provisional patent for a non-linear, progressive lens constructed to optically capture an area of interest positioned within the 3D field of view for the camera.
EmbedTek Expands Manufacturing Space

EmbedTek expands manufacturing space to support long-term growth plans in platform development services and in manufacturing finished medical devices.
Scaling up? Be Careful of Consumer Grade Components

Consumer grade components may not give you the traceability or life cycle that you need for future scalability.
Simplify and Scale: White Paper Download

Simplify and Scale is a free white paper download that helps device manufacturers think big from the beginning, and successfully scale when the time comes.
The Pressure Is On – The Medical Device and Race to Scale

Medical device manufacturers are revolutionizing healthcare treatment and patient outcomes. They need a manufacturing partner to help them scale.